Do I need a permit to put in a driveway?
Yes. All driveways shall be constructed in a manner acceptable in the Town of Farmington. You agree to construct the proposed driveway according to these specifications. The maintenance of this driveway shall be the sole responsibility of the property owner. Drivewyas are covered by Ordinance 1-02 "An Ordinance for Driveways".
You may download and print a blank Driveway Permit.
What information must be submitted to the Building Inspector for a building permit?
Before building anything in the Township of Farmington you must fill out an Assessor Zoning Application and pay the application fee to the Clerk/Treasurer. The Assessor Zoning Application will then be brought to the next Town Board Meeting to be either approved or denied. Board meetings are usually held on the first Monday of the month. If the application is approved you then can proceed with contacting the building inspector to get a building permit.
Our Building Inspector is Dan Kegley of REM Inspecting, LLC
1014 110th Ave
Amery WI 54001
(715) 497-3458
[email protected]
Cost of the building permit is determined by square foot of the structure and is now paid directly to the Building inspector.
Reminder that your project must comply with Town setback rules. Setbacks from the center line of the road are as follows:
From a Town Road…75 feet
From a County Road…75 feet
From a State Highway…150 feet
If you have any other questions, please call Debbie Swanson 715-294-2370
Please Note: If you or any of your contractors damage a town road in the course of the construction of your building, you will be assessed the cost of the repair of the road.
Any building activity located in the Polk County Shoreland Zoning waterway circles on the MAP will have to obtain a Shorland Use Permit from the County. Be sure to check to see if your project is located within any of the circles before you build.
Who do I call for telephone service?
For telephone service call, 1-800-201-4099.
Who do I call for electric service?
For electric service call, 1-800-895-4999.
How Do I Vote?
If you are a registered voter in Farmington, you vote at the Town Hall, located at 2647 30th Ave. The polling hours are 7 am to 8 pm.
If you need to register, fill out the Voter Registration Application and mail or e-mail to the clerk. You will need to include an acceptable proof of residency (copy of driver's license works best)
If you ever need to vote by Absentee Ballot, fill out the Application for an Absentee Ballot and send or e-mail the Clerk/Treasurer or call the Clerk/Treasurer (294-2370) to request an absentee ballot.
Does Farmington Have a Dump? Recycling?
The Town of Farmington offers an alternative for your garbage disposal needs. Every Saturday, from 8 am to 4 pm, at the Town Hall, located at 2647 30th Ave, the Town offers a dumping spot for your garbage. You will need to purchase bags from the town in order to use the dump area. The cost for the bags are $3 for a large size (45 gallon) and $2 for a medium size (30 gallon) bag.
We also offer the County Recycle Bins where you can bring your recycling at no charge. It just needs to be sorted, caps removed and boxes flattened. The recycling accepts plastics, glass, cans, paper & cardboard. Hours for the recycling are every Saturday from 8 am to 4 pm.
We will have a large dumpster available on the first Saturday of each month for larger items that won't fit into the yellow or green bags. There will be a charge to dump these items. The Fees & Rulles are Large Dumpster Fee Schedule You will need to pay the dump attendant BEFORE you dump anything into the dumpster. We will offer this during the spring, summer, and fall. This will not be available in the months of December, January, February, and March.
Does My Dog Need a License?
Licenses are required for all dogs, 6 months of age and older, residing in Farmington Township. You can get a dog license from the Clerk/Treasurer. The application lists the cost information needed to get your dog licensed. Dog Licenses Application
What if I want to burn something?
You can burn in Farmington without a permit as long as you follow these guidelines...
Call any board member to see if there is any kind of burning ban on.
Only burn when the wind is calm - we recommend evenings
Contact the Osceola Fire Department or Polk County Dispatch 715-485-8300 and let them know when and where you are burning.
Use common sense and be respectful of your neighbors.
How do I get a new mailbox post?
The Town has a mailbox ordinance for the placement and type of mailbox post to use for your mailbox. The Town of Farmington will sell & install a mailbox post that meets the requirement of the ordinance for $100. Contact the Clerk/Treasurer to order one.